The Brevard County Sheriff’s Office Jail Complex has contracted with Smart Communications to install Kiosks/Portable Kiosks in all housing units and will be available to inmates for outside and internal communications.
Video Visitation is a service provided for family and friends to visit an inmate currently housed at the Brevard County Jail Complex.
- Brevard County Sheriff’s Office video visitation guidelines must be adhered to in order to maintain visitation privileges. All visitors conducting remote or on-site visitation shall adhere to the following appropriate dress code policy. Visitors will be fully dressed while conducting remote and on-site video visits. Bikini tops or bottoms or clothing revealing body parts are deemed inappropriate. Inappropriately dressed visitor’s session may be terminated and visiting privileges suspended for (30) thirty days.
- Anyone noted as the victim, has a no contact order, or an injunction with the inmate, will not be allowed to visit.
- At on-site visitation, all personal property, except your ID, will be secured in your vehicle prior to the scheduled visit. This includes cell-phones.
- Any destruction or defacing of county property by inmates or visitors is subject to temporary or permanent suspension of visitation privileges. If you need assistance with any equipment, ask the on-site Visitation Clerk.
- Persons under the influence of alcoholic beverages, narcotics, or other drugs, or exhibiting irrational behavior for any reason, will not be allowed to visit or remain on Jail Complex property.
- There will be no smoking or eating allowed at on-site visitation. Consumption of non-alcoholic beverages is allowed only in the designated waiting area.
- Any disturbances or emotional disruptive behavior exhibited at any time will result in your visitation being canceled. If during an on-site visitation, you will not be allowed to remain on Jail Complex property.
- No electronic media or instruments may be used to view images, record, or photograph during visitation. Violation of this rule will result in the immediate termination of the visit and possible suspension of future visitation for a minimum of (30) thirty days.
- Visitation sessions may be audio and/or video recorded by the agency for security purposes.
- As previously noted, any violation of these rules may result in temporary or permanent suspension of visitation privileges. Jail Complex Command/designee may terminate a visit at any time a rule violation warrants such action.
3 Ways to Video Visit
Remote Video Visitation
Family and friends can visit from the comfort of your home using a personal computer. You must set up an account by logging onto Smart Jail Mail prior to initiating a visit. You may attempt to conduct a visit any time during visitation hours. Visits are 15 or 30 minutes in duration, and cost .25 per minute. ( 15 minutes = $3.75 or 30 minutes = $7.50)
Video on Demand (Inmate Initiated)
Inmates at the Jail Complex can schedule a video visitation session with family and friends. Calls must be answered within a 3 minute window at the receiving end.
On-Site Video Visitation – NOTE: We will no longer offer On-Site Video Visitation starting March 1, 2025.
On-Site Video Visitation is a service provided for family and friends to visit an inmate from the Jail Complex. Upon arrival, check in with the main lobby receptionist. You must set up an account by logging onto Smart Jail Mail prior to initiating a visit. You may attempt to conduct a visit any time during visitation hours. Visits will be in segments of 30 minutes in duration and are free of charge (4-30 minute visits allowed each week, resetting each Saturday).
There is no face-to-face visitation with the exception of professional visits or specially approved visits by Jail Command.
For more information on the new remote visitation procedures, please visit Smart Jail Mail.
BCSO Video Visitation Schedule
Visitation may be scheduled a maximum of 7 days in advance or a minimum of 24 hours.
Remote Video Visitation and On Demand Visitation
7 days a week – 8am-12pm, 1pm-5pm, and 8pm-10:30pm
On-site Video Visitation at the Jail Complex
7 days a week – 8:15am-12pm and 1pm-5:30pm
Inmate Messaging
SmartJailMail uses safe and secure two-way electronic messaging software designed specifically for communicating with inmates, prisoners, and detainees in correctional institutions. This allows those who are incarcerated or detained to communicate safely and quickly with family and friends outside of the jail, prison or detention center. They can send and receive electronic letters using a safe and secure computer kiosk stationed in their institution. Each message costs just 50 cents which is cheaper than a postage stamp and envelope. The message can be sent with postage paid and will be free to open and read for the recipient. Or, the message can be sent collect / “COD” for free and will be paid for by the recipient. To send or receive a message you MUST open a SmartJailMail account, this process is quick and easy, just follow these simple steps…
- Sign Up with
Creating an account is fast, simple, and completely free. We will ask you to choose a username and password to identify your account along with some basic contact information. We will send you an email or text message to verify and activate your account. There is no cost to create an account and search for inmates, prisoners, or detainees to connect with. - Make Connections
Once you have established an account, you may search for inmates, prisoners, or detainees to connect with. Once you have located an individual that you would like to connect with, you can send them a connection request. They will need to approve the request before you can send messages. - Purchase Service Credits
Once you have established a connection with an inmate, prisoner, or detainee, you can send and receive messages electronically. Service credits may be purchased through the SmartJailMail website using a major credit or debit card. Service credits cost one cent each with a minimum purchase of 500 credits ($5.00). You can purchase as many credits as you like and use them any time. You can also transfer credits to your contacts so they can easily respond to your messages. Each message is billed at $0.50, which equates to 50 credits and approved photos are billed at $1.00, or 100 credits. - Start Sending Messages!
Once you have purchased message credits, you can send and receive electronic messages. This is just like sending an e-mail, except it is contained within the SmartJailMail website. Messages can be delivered instantly or may be held for review depending on the destination facility. Electronic messages are delivered much more quickly than traditional paper mail to the correctional facility so you can stay connected. To sign up for Smart Inmate Messaging click here.
Two free electronic messages are provided every Saturday. Additional messages are 50 cents each.
Incoming messages will not be rejected based on its contents, unless the message falls under one of the following criteria:
- Any material which contains codes, blackmail, extortion, contraband, threats, or information about another inmate
- Any material which contains plans of criminal activities, maps, or plots to escape, and any material which communicates information designed to encourage inmates to disrupt the jail by strikes, riots, fights, racial or religious hatred, or other prohibited acts
- Any publication which may adversely affect the security of the jail or the safety of the persons therein
- Publications which advocate the violent overthrow of the government of the United States or of a state, or which advocate violence or rebellion against government authority, under which the inmate is held
- Inmate to inmate correspondence within the facility or through outside channels is prohibited
Any violation of the above will result in the suspension and/or termination of the registered users account.
Photo Delivery
SmartJailMail also provides a one-way photo delivery service. Photos can be accessed by inmates an unlimited number of times. Photos are billed at $1.00 each, or 100 credits. All photographs submitted will be reviewed before they are made accessible to an inmate at the Jail Complex.
Some common reasons photos may be rejected are:
- Depicts legal documents, bills or written documents
- Depicts criminal activity, drugs, money or weapons
- Contains inappropriate hand gestures
- Contains a person not fully clothed
- Is deemed an inappropriate image
- Shows screen shots of text messages, emails, social media or any other internet generated content
- A photo collage (only individual photos will be accepted)
- The photo may not be a screen shot
- The photo contains any text, emojis or has been altered in any way
- A poor quality image
- Violates the safety and security of the facility
- Contains sexual content or lewd behavior
A credit will be issued to the sender of any photo rejected by the Jail Complex which is not made accessible to the inmate.
Inmate Telephone System
The Brevard County Sheriff’s Office Jail Complex uses SMART Communications to provide the inmate telephone system for the facility. You can set up an account or add money to an account by clicking here or calling 727-349-1561. Calls are .16 cents + tax per minute and are limited to 2 hours a week.
Inmate Mail
Family and friends are encouraged to communicate with their loved ones incarcerated at the jail. The mail is a good resource for maintaining that line of communication.
The Brevard County Sheriff’s Office Jail Complex has contracted with Smart Communications to install Kiosks/Portable Kiosks in all housing units and will be available to inmates for outside and internal communications.
To maintain security and safety of the inmates and staff, all inmate mail MUST be sent to the following address:
Smart Communications / Brevard County
Inmate First Name Inmate Last Name Inmate ID #
(John Smith #123456 example inmate)
PO Box 9145
Seminole, FL 33775-9145
The Inmate Name and ID Number must be clearly PRINTED on the outside of the envelope or postcard, to ensure the mail is posted to the correct account. Mail not containing the inmate ID Number and the Name will be “Returned to Sender”
All regular inmate postal mail (Postcards, Letters, Greeting Cards, etc.) will be scanned into the system and available to the inmates to view their postal mail via the inmate Kiosks/Portable Kiosks.
Please be advised that when you mail an item, the original document will be destroyed. Concerning important documents like marriage certificates, birth certificates, social security cards and pictures, please do not mail original documents. You should only mail copies of these documents or pictures that you do not need returned. These will be scanned into the electronic system and destroyed after 30 days.
Upon release inmates can login to the public website at: and enter their inmate number and password and download their photos, messages, and postal mail for FREE up to 30 days.
Incoming and outgoing mail will not be rejected based on its contents, unless the mail falls under one of the following criteria:
Any photos depicting gang symbols/signs, nudity, lewd behavior
Any material which contains codes, blackmail, extortion, contraband, threats, or information about another inmate
Any material which contains plans of criminal activities, maps, or plots to escape, and any material which communicates information designed to encourage inmates to disrupt the jail by strikes, riots, fights, racial or religious hatred, or other prohibited acts
Any publication which may adversely affect the security of the jail or the safety of the persons therein
Publications which advocate the violent overthrow of the government of the United States or of a state, or which advocate violence or rebellion against government authority, under which the inmate is held
Any publication which may adversely affect the security of the jail or the safety of the persons therein
Inmate to inmate correspondence within the facility or through outside channels is prohibited
Any violation of the above will result in the suspension and/or termination of the registered users account.
Contraband items discovered in an inmate’s mail will be seized. Both the inmate and the sender will be notified of any item which has been seized and the reason for the seizure.
Legal Mail
Any legal correspondence from an inmate’s attorney that is privileged and confidential should be mailed to the Brevard County Jail Complex for confidential processing, as Smart Communications’ processing center will not distinguish between standard and confidential communications. Legal mail from an inmate’s attorney shall be clearly identifiable and marked appropriately as legal mail with the indicator: “Privileged/Legal Mail.” All legal mail will be opened and scanned into the inmate’s legal mail account in the presence of the inmate.
Attorney-generated legal mail should be addressed as follows to ensure confidential processing:
Brevard County Jail Complex
Attn: Mail Clerk for Legal Mail
For Inmate First Name Inmate Last Name Inmate ID #
(John Smith #123456 example inmate)
860 Camp Rd.
Cocoa, FL 32927
Inmate mail that is not confidential or privileged SHOULD NOT be marked with labels such as “Privileged Mail or Legal Mail” even if the contents relate to a legal matter (i.e. non-privileged correspondence from a Court, Agency, or Service Provider). Smart Communications may return improperly marked envelopes to the sender, resulting in the need to re-send the item. The only thing that is necessary to be on standard, non-confidential mail envelopes is the return address of the sender. Standard, non-confidential envelopes should be labeled and sent as indicated below in order to ensure prompt and unimpeded delivery:
Smart Communications / Brevard County
Inmate First Name Inmate Last Name Inmate ID#
(John Smith # 123456 – Example Inmate)
PO Box 9145
Seminole, FL 33775-9145
Smart Communications Customer Care
Our Customer Care Call Center is open 7 days a week from 7:00am to 12:00 Midnight EST and can be reached toll free at 727-349-1561. Our friendly, knowledgeable, U.S. based Customer Care representatives are prepared to assist you:
Create an account
Deposit funds into an account
Communication service questions and rates
Billing and refund questions
The Brevard County Jail Complex is located at 860 Camp Rd. Cocoa, FL 32927.