ATM Safety

Automated teller machines can be found in a number of places these days; financial institutions, shopping malls, convenience stores and even free standing machines. When using an ATM be very aware of your surroundings and follow these safety tips:

  • Treat your ATM card like cash.
  • Utilize an ATM located inside an open business whenever possible.
  • At a drive-up ATM, remember to keep your doors locked, your other car windows closed and your car running.
  • Avoid using a street ATM during night time hours.
  • Try to avoid using an ATM by yourself.
  • Always pay close attention to the ATM and your surroundings. Don’t select an ATM at the corner of a building — corners create a blind spot. Use an ATM located near the center of a building. Do your automated banking in a public, well-lighted location that is free of shrubbery and decorative partitions or dividers.
  • Maintain an awareness of your surroundings throughout the entire transaction. Be wary of people trying to help you with ATM transactions. Be aware of anyone sitting in a parked car nearby. When leaving an ATM make sure you are not being followed. If you are, drive immediately to a police or fire station, or to a crowded, well-lighted location or business.
  • Have your ATM card out of your wallet or purse before approaching the ATM. While you are fumbling with a wallet or purse looking for your card, you become easy prey for a thief.
  • Do not use an ATM that appears unusual looking or offers options with which you are not familiar or comfortable.
  • Do not allow people to look over your shoulder as you enter your PIN. Memorize your PIN; never write it on the back of your card. Do not re-enter your PIN if the ATM eats your card — contact a bank official.
  • During your transaction look up and around every few seconds.
  • Do not wear expensive jewelry or take other valuables to the ATM. This is an added incentive to the assailant.
  • Don’t withdraw large amounts of cash.
  • Secure your money at the ATM. Never count cash at the machine or in public; wait until you are in your car or another secure place.
  • When using a drive-up ATM, keep your engine running, your doors locked and leave enough room to maneuver between your car and the one ahead of you in the drive-up line.
  • Maintain a supply of deposit envelopes at home or in your car. Prepare all transaction paperwork prior to your arrival at the ATM. This will minimize the amount of time spent at the machine.
  • Always take your receipt with you.
  • Closely monitor your bank statements, as well as your balances, and immediately report any problems to your bank.
  • As you leave, be aware of anything suspicious. If you think you are being followed, go to an area with a lot of people and call the police.
  • If you are involved in a confrontation with an assailant who demands your money, COMPLY. Make a mental notes about the robber and give the robber the money.
  • Get away as soon as it is safe to do so. Remember the money is not worth getting hurt over.
  • Report all robberies to police as soon as possible by calling 911.
  • Report suspicious behavior. If you notice anything unusual, cancel your transaction, pocket your card and leave immediately. Go to a safe place and call the police if you suspect dangerous or illegal activity.
  • If you lose, misplace or have our ATM card stolen, notify the card issuer immediately. If unauthorized use occurs before you report it, the amount you can be held responsible for may depend upon how quickly you report the loss of the card to the issuer.