Crime Prevention Programs

4 A’s of Survival (Active Shooter Response)

Violent criminals target our society each and every day and have the ability to instantly change our lives forever. Some of the best law enforcement agencies in the country have response times in minutes, yet violent criminals can take our lives in seconds. Your actions, within the first 30 seconds of the attack, can make the difference for you, your family, your friends, or co-workers. Don’t wait for the emergency to happen to go into action, but instead, go into action right now and learn the importance of the 4 A’s of Survival: Awareness, Avoidance, Arm, Attack.

Click here to schedule this presentation or call our Crime Prevention Team at 321-264-7755

Anti-Bullying Education Presentation

Although 1 in 5 students REPORT being bullied, the actual number of bullying incidents can be far greater. The effects of bullying do not only impact victims, but bystanders and bullies as well. These effects can be even more devastating when performed online where the abuse can be vast and far reaching. If you, or someone you know, has seen or been the victim of bullying, whether in person or online, please contact your local law enforcement agency.
Click here to schedule an Anti-Bullying Presentation or call our Crime Prevention Team at 321-264-7755.

B.A.M. Program

Brevard Attitude Modification is a program designed to address youth who have behavior and attitude issues at home and school. Offered to both male and females ages 13-17, this program is designed to show participants what the consequences of bad decisions can be.  They will also receive instruction on life skills required for professional success and be given the opportunity to connect with local career centers and mentors.  BAM consists of jail tour, medical examiner’s office tour, life skills and career goal presentation.

Click here to apply or call our Crime Prevention Team at 321-264-7755

Camp Chance ® (Non-Profit Camping)

Camp ChanceCamp Chance ® is located at Jakes Lake in Cocoa, and is available to any local non-profit organization for a day, night, or weekend, camping trip. Organizations have access to our kitchen, classroom, and restrooms. Upon request, canoes are also available for use on the lake. We can provide a tour of the camp for First time users after Application and Insurance certificate are received. Interested non-profit organization must make reservations, submit an application, provide proof of insurance, and complete adult and minor waivers, if necessary.

Click Here to Apply or Call our Crime Prevention Team for more information 321-264-7755

C.H.A.N.C.E. (Communication Card)

C.H.A.N.C.E. (Communication Card)

The C.H.A.N.C.E.  (Citizen Has a Noticeable Crisis Episode) is an initiative of the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office. Its purpose is to provide our citizens with a card to carry on their person that can be given to law enforcement during an encounter, as well as compile and maintain a list of individuals who have “special needs” due to mental or neurological disabilities and who may reside or frequently visit Brevard County. Residents are invited to proactively provide information about a loved one with special needs of any age, who may require special assistance in an emergency or interaction with Deputies. The program is completely voluntary.  Click Here to Apply

CHECKMATE (Dating Background Checks)


Online dating and parking lot exchanges of items bought over the internet, have fast become a norm for many in our community and across the country. Our “Checkmate” program, in partnership with the Brevard County Clerk of Courts, is a Free tool useful for finding publicly available court record information and can help you learn a little more about the person you are about to go on a date with, or meet to complete an online purchase.  Also see our “Exchange Zone” program.

Citizens Academy

Citizens Academy

The Brevard County Sheriff’s Office Citizens Academy is a multi-session program designed to give our citizens an inside look at every aspect of the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office. This is a chance for our citizens to get a behind the scenes look at what the 1,700 proud men and women of the Sheriff’s Office do on a daily basis.  Each week provides a new activity including tours, hands on interactions, and a deputy ride along.

The Citizens Academy is open to all residents of Brevard County who are at least 18 and there is no physical fitness requirement to attend. We hope the experience will be not only informative, but fun and exciting as well!

Click here to apply or contact our Crime Prevention Team at 321-264-7755

College Bound Safety Presentation

This presentation is delivered to youth in a school assembly setting and focuses on giving information intended to create awareness of common crimes that target young adults.  Themes include crime trend awareness, mental preparedness when in public, impaired driving, identity theft prevention, and online safety.

Click here to schedule this presentation contact our Crime Prevention Team at 321-264-7755

Community Outreach Specialist

The Brevard County Sheriff’s Office Community Outreach Specialist is a liaison between deputies and those in the community who are suffering from physiological and psychological conditions. The Community Outreach Specialist will be tasked with ensuring the safety and well-being of endangered Brevard County citizens through the evaluation and implementation of local, state, and federal programs.  The primary objective is to assist with more than a temporary solution of confinement to a mental health facility or simply a referral to another state agency to address the identified problem.  This will also reduce the redundancy of calls for service regarding endangered residents who require continued assistance.  Upon referral from the responding deputy, our specialist will meet with the endangered resident and gather information about his or her physiological and psychological condition and assess assistance provided by family, friends or neighbors.  A care plan will be developed and provided to care givers with the aim to protect the endangered resident from causing serious injury to themselves and or others.

Click here to submit a referral form or contact our Crime Prevention Team at 321-264-7755.

Drug Awareness Presentation

Drugs are chemicals that can affect the body in different ways.  Some drugs can change a person’s body and brain in ways that last long after the person has stopped using drugs, and can even cause irreversible damage.  Sharing information about substance abuse as well as establishing a positive role model for children are both important parts of drug abuse prevention.Click here to schedule this presentation contact our Crime Prevention Team at 321-264-7755

Exchange Zone

To better serve the citizens of Brevard County, our agency has partnered with CEO Dave Eddins and his team at Alarm Specialists to provide a camera-monitored “Exchange Zone” at our North, South, East and West Precincts. Located along the front parking areas of the Sheriff’s Office Precincts is a citizen “Exchange Safety Zone,” which will allow citizens to safely make property exchanges and on-line initiated sales transactions in a well-lighted public area, which is monitored 24 hours a day by surveillance cameras. Additionally, while civil in nature, child custody exchanges can also occur in the camera monitored locations to add additional safety to families that are struggling to get along.

Now, with our new “Exchange Zones,” various transactions can occur in a much safer environment that has 24 hour surveillance recordings. Also, should a citizen experience any problems during the transaction, they are but a few feet away from the front door of the Sheriff’s Office Precinct. Equally important, the Sheriff’s Office can immediately ensure video evidence is secured for any investigations and/or criminal prosecution.

For more information relating to the Sheriff’s Office Exchange Zones, or if you have been a victim of a crime related to a property exchange, please contact the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office Crime Prevention Team at (321) 264-7755.


The Brevard County Sheriff’s Office Explorer Program is open to young men and women ages 13 and to 17 years old, who have completed the 6th grade and have an interest in learning more about careers in the field of law enforcement. The Explorer program provides educational training programs for young adults on the purpose, mission, and objectives of law enforcement. The program provides career orientation experiences, leadership opportunities, and community service activities. The primary goals of the program are to help young adults choose a career path in law enforcement, and challenging participants to become responsible citizens in their communities.

To learn more, contact our Crime Prevention Team at 321-264-7755 or email

Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches

Founded in 1957 by the Florida Sheriff’s Association, the Florida Youth Ranch is a non-profit residential child-care and family service organization primarily dependent on the generous gifts and support of donors.

It is a nationally recognized, accredited agency with sites throughout the state of Florida. The staff includes social workers, counselors, therapists and cottage parents who serve over thousands of youth and their families each year.

Programs include Residential Group Child Care, Family Service and Camping Services aimed at meeting the diverse needs of Florida’s youth.

The Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches could not exist without the help of interested and generous donors. If you would like to donate to the Youth Ranches and help turn youngsters’ problems into solutions and bright new futures, please call 1-800-765-3797. The Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches, Inc. is a 501(c)3 charitable, non-profit organization and donations are tax deductible.


If you are the parent or guardian in need of the types of services that the Florida Sheriff’s Youth Ranches offer, you can apply by downloading an application (PDF). Applications are to be completed by the youth’s legal guardian. Completed applications must be submitted to the Sheriff for review.

Download the Application (pdf)

Submit the application via US mail or hand-deliver to:

Sheriff Wayne Ivey
700 S. Park Ave
Titusville, Florida 32780

After the Sheriff’s review and authorization, your application will be sent to the nearest Youth Ranch Family Social Worker. You will then be contacted as soon as possible to discuss services available and determine what type of plan would be best suited to your family’s needs. A copy of your completed application will be returned to you for your records.

For more information visit

Frauds, Scams, and ID Theft

With a new victim almost every 2 seconds, identity theft is one of the fastest growing and most common crimes in existence today.  This presentation is designed to give you as much information as possible to reduce your risk of becoming the victim of this costly crime.

Click here to schedule this presentation contact our Crime Prevention Team at 321-264-7755

Hearing Impaired Traffic Stop Card

The Hearing Impaired Traffic Card is a tool designed to enhance communication between hearing impaired drivers and law enforcement.  It is intended to be used during a traffic stop or other traffic related law enforcement contact and is complete with both written communication and pictured forms of communication.

Download a copy of the card or contact our Crime Prevention Team at 321-264-7755.

Human Trafficking Presentation

This presentation provides instruction on how to recognize and report human trafficking.  Our crime prevention team will teach you what to watch for when you are out in the community, tell you what you can do to help prevent and bring awareness to this horrific and dehumanizing crime.

Click here to schedule this presentation contact our Crime Prevention Team at 321-264-7755.

Internet Safety Presentation

With more than 4 billion internet users worldwide, cybercrime rates continue to grow at alarming pace.  Whether it’s bullying, theft, fraud, extortion, or sexual solicitation, cybercrimes occur daily and can impact anyone at any time.  Being informed about the latest cyber trends, and arming yourself with a practical approach to internet safety can help lower your risk of becoming a cybercrime victim.

Click here to schedule this presentation contact our Crime Prevention Team at 321-264-7755.

Milk and Donuts with the Sheriff

The Brevard County Sheriff’s Office Milk and Donuts with the Sheriff program was designed for elementary age students have the opportunity to interact with law enforcement in a positive way at an early age. Sheriff Ivey, and a members of our Crime Prevention Unit, visit elementary schools throughout the county, during this event, our team talks about be responsible, being respectful to their teachers as well as they will get the have the opportunity to ask the Sheriff and our team questions all while learning more about law enforcement and our Agency.

Click here to schedule this presentation contact our Crime Prevention Team at 321-264-7755.

Neighborhood Watch Program

The Brevard County Sheriff’s Office Neighborhood Watch program is a joint effort between our office and neighborhoods across the county that focuses on neighbors and law enforcement personnel working together to increase community awareness and reduce crime. Our crime prevention team will facilitate the start up a neighborhood watch group in your area and provide your community with a “Brevard County Sheriff’s Office Neighborhood Watch” sign, as well as attend meetings to run the program on an as needed basis. This program also includes an explanation of Operation Identification – marking and recording your possessions.

Click here to start your neighborhood watch program today or contact our Crime Prevention Team at 321-264-7755.

Personal Safety Presentation

The personal safety presentation provides citizens with information and techniques that can be used to reduce the chance of becoming the victim of violent crimes.  It includes an overview of violent crime statistics, situational awareness techniques, self-defense body language techniques, and mindset training.

Click here to schedule this presentation or contact our Crime Prevention Team at 321-264-7755.

Project Child Safe (Free Gun Locks)

The Brevard County Sheriff’s Office supports the efforts of Project Child Safe and is happy to provide gunlocks at all of our precincts. For more information on Project Child Safe, please visit

R.E.A.D.Y. (Self-Defense Course)

Respond Early and Defend Yourself!  The R.E.A.D.Y. program is a hands on self-defense class that teaches citizens open hand defensive techniques that can be used should they ever find themselves in a violent situation.  Techniques include stances, strikes, and situational awareness.

Click here to schedule this program or contact our Crime Prevention Team at 321-264-7755.

Safe Kids Presentation

Safe Kids are happy kids! Safe Kids is a presentation delivered by a member of our Crime Prevention team that is intended to provide younger children with a fun way to learn about when to call 911, stranger danger, the risks of using drugs and alcohol, and more.  In this presentation children also learn about how to create a scent-article kit to be used in conjunction with our K-9 unit, to assist in locating them should they become separated from their family.  You can even request a visit from our life size plush mascot Junny!

Click here to schedule this presentation or contact our Crime Prevention Team at 321-264-7755

Security Survey (Home/Business/Church)

Home security survey

Security Survey (Home/Business/Church)

The Brevard County Sheriff’s Office offers Security Survey’s for homes, businesses or church to help identify any potential security weaknesses that we have seen compromised in burglaries and other property crimes locally and nationally. Recommendations solutions are provided during the survey including any recommendations on how to avoid leaving your property vulnerable to crime. Two members of our Crime Prevention Unit will visit your requested property and will provide an outdoor sign free of charge on behalf of the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office.

Click here to schedule a survey or contact our Crime Prevention Team at 321-264-7755.

Self Defense Through Tactical Shooting & Decision Making

Brevard County Sheriff’s Office is happy to offer a “Self Defense through Tactical Shooting & Decision Making” Course. This 8 hour course is designed to give civilians the opportunity to learn safe gun handling skills as well as the legal aspects of gun ownership. The course will be delivered in 4 parts:Part 1 – Sheriff Wayne Ivey or designee will speak on Self Defense Through Mental Preparedness

Part 2 – State Attorney Phil Archer or designee will speak on the Law-Stand Your Ground and the Castle Doctrine

Part 3 – Tactical Shooting/Weapon Retention/Firearms Safety

Part 4 – Shoot, Don’t Shoot Scenarios

Upon completion of this course, you will receive a certificate as verification of training that satisfies the State training requirement to acquire your Concealed Weapons Permit from the State of Florida. You can contact the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Division of Licensing at (850) 245-5691 for further information about the permit process. Concealed Weapons Packets can also be picked up at your local precinct.

Click here to register for this class or contact our Crime Prevention Team at 321-264-7755.

Shop with a Cop

Shop With A Cop is a program that is designed to help families in need during the Christmas Season, this program is designed to partner children in need with a Brevard County Sheriff’s Office Deputy to go shopping for Christmas Presents for themselves. Every year families from across the county submit applications to our Community Services Unit and the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office Charity then helps raise money to meet the need so every child has a present Christmas morning.

2023 Parent Letter

2023 Application

Shred Events

Throughout the year and throughout the county, in partnership with a local shredding company, the Sheriff’s Office offers a free shredding service where you can safely shred your personal documents.  The documents you choose to bring for shredding are either shredded on location, or they are collected and transported to the shredding company’s facility for shredding.  This service helps in the fight against identity theft while providing our community members a safe and convenient process in the disposing of sensitive documents.

2024 Dates



Teen Driver Challenge (Driving Course)

The Teen Driver Challenge is a free, one-day event for teen drivers (with a license or permit) age 15-19.  In the eight-hour course, students are instructed in a classroom segment and on the driving pad by BCSO deputies who are FSA Certified Driving Instructors.  The Teen Driver Challenge is held on Saturdays, twice per month, at Eastern Florida State College in Palm Bay.

“The Brevard County Sheriff’s Office is committed to protecting our young drivers while doing everything possible to significantly reduce the number of injuries and deaths associated with traffic accidents,” Sheriff Wayne Ivey said.  “The Teen Driver Challenge is a hands-on course that improves driving skills, vehicle awareness, and the development of good driving habits.  I am honored to partner with the Florida Sheriff’s Association on this amazing program and invite your teen to participate in this potentially life-saving course.”


Click here for the Teen Driver Challenge application and schedule. For more information contact our Crime Prevention Team at 321-264-7755.

Vacation House Check

If you are planning a vacation or have to leave your home for an extended amount of time, the safety of your property can distract you from your good time or work trip. If this sounds like you, you may request that a deputy check your home while you are away. Deputies will be notified in your area and protocol is taken to ensure that a patrol of your residence will be regularly conducted while you are away. To arrange this, please contact the respective precinct covering your residence: YOUR REQUEST MUST BE RECEIVED AT LEAST FIVE (5) DAYS PRIOR TO YOUR DEPARTURE DATE.

North: 321-264-5208

Canaveral: 321-868-1113

East: 321-454-6652

West: 321-633-2123

South: 321-253-6658 or 772-664-1015

To learn other ways to protect your home while you are away contact the Crime Prevention Unit at 321-264-7755.

Workplace Violence Presentation

According to OSHA, about 2 million people each year report some type of workplace violence (this is also under-reported). As of 2019, there were 454 fatal workplace violence incidents a year in the United States. Healthcare workers are most often affected, 50% of cases are medical employees. Our Crime Prevention unit provides a presentation on what to look for and what to do if faced with workplace violence.

Click here to schedule this presentation or contact our Crime Prevention Team at 321-264-7755.